Saturday, January 29, 2005


alright! So my previous code of writing every day has failed... I am now depressed to once a week. No not depressed... disturbed... described... decomposed... diluted... disrespected.... aggh whatever. I'm not writing once a day. It turns out that its a bit less often than that. I'm breaking one of the essentials for a good blog, which... is writing alot. OK, I'm done with that.
Anyways, not much going on around here. I'm sick but thats besides the point. I've basically been sitting around doing nessicary school work and what not while trying to get better so I don't get a smackdown for not being at the concert. The choir is one of the main crowd getters of St. Andrews simply because there isn't any others around so bpeople don't get to see that kinda stuff often. Since I am one of the few tenors I kinda need to be there I think... because a. the tenors need all they can get and 2. cause Andrew would slug me if I wasn't there. Well... that took up a nice ammount of room... but now its time for me to exit.
g.i. over and out

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