Sunday, October 31, 2004

Church Conference..... huh...

with all these comments I figured I should have something new on my blog. Not much to say, weekend went by too quick. I was gone all day yesterday at a conference in Sacramento with my high school class. Pretty lame really. I had to leave early cause my dad was coming from San Francisco to Chico and he wanted to pick me up then, so I missed the last session. But sheesh.... the guy that we left after was fairly offensive. He shut down alot of stuff I believe in as an Anglican and totally called Roman Catholics apostate. But it was cool seeing Joel Belz, founder and producer of World Magazine, and I ate at Togos. Probably shouldn't put those on the same level huh? Togos is a cool place though... anyways... I'm glad hw was fairly low this weekend. Otherwise I woulda been swamped today. G.i. over and out

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