Saturday, January 27, 2007

Screamo: Music of Humanity.

When you read the title of this blog, objections will no doubt pop into your brains automatically. Suffer me to ask you to put those away for just a few minutes. You, the reader, are no doubt one of two (possibly three) types of people: those who love the genre of music entitled screamo, those who are disgusted by it, or (the third type) those who have never yet experienced it (though the word "screamo" will most likely push you into one of the former two camps). To those who love screamo: please, do not be offended. Do not let your passionate hearts suffocate your brains and strangle the writer of this humble piece with wounded words. To those who hate screamo: read on. Save your objections till after the show.

I write this, because I love screamo. On certain days, the sound of Norma Jean, Showbread, or UnderOath is actually rather comforting (odd though it may sound). It is in my nature to defend that which I love, even though the arguments against screamo (as we will discuss later) are great. I'd like to attempt to defend screamo on a personal level rather than on a cultural level. But, either way, it's pointless to try to defend something without knowing what the meaning of that thing is. Thus comes the definition.

"Screamo", as many of you might have guessed, evolved from the genre "emo" (emotional rock). The word "emo" constitutes a very hard concept because it is used to describe so many things. It is almost impossible now to use the term. The word "emo", however, was first used to describe a musical movement in the early 1990's centralized around Washington, D.C. It was started by disgruntled punk and "indie" rockers who didn't like 1980's metal. They wanted more melody in their music (see here for a fairly in-depth article), and thus they started something new. It didn't gain popularity till the mid-to-late 1990's and boomed in the early 2000's. It is now marked by bands like Fall Out Boy , Jimmy Eat World, Dashboard Confessional,and Taking Back Sunday (which I love). Many of those who know how emo started grow to dislike some of the newer bands who gain the title of being emo and tend to refer to them as "whiny cry-baby wussy boy[s] with... acoustic guitar[s] and too many feelings" (spelling edited; see here for a not so in-depth but humorous article).

"Screamo" is yet another touchy genre. For example. Showbread is considered to be screamo, but UnderOath and Norma Jean are not (Underoath is considered to be post-hardcore, and Norma Jean metalcore). However, for the purposes of this discussion, I here-by deem these petty differences stupid and irrelevant to this discussion. But, I will warn you that there are those that are very adamant about this, so be careful who you talk to. Whereas emo was the promotion of melody and the rejection of 80's metal (which I can understand), screamo stems from emo but is a throwback to metal. Generally, it uses screaming (as the name suggests) to show forth emotion rather than melodic guitars.

Hopefully that will give you a brief idea of what emo and screamo are (to solidify the idea, I would recommend using those links to listen to "Dance, Dance" by Fall Out Boy [pardon the sexual references within the song] for a good idea of a song commonly recognized by the masses as "emo", and "Mouth Like a Magazine" by Showbread for a good idea of a commonly recognized screamo song). Next: the objections.

The objections, the objections, oh the objections. Believe you me, I know the objections. The most common of which is "it's just ugly". That's a hard one to get past. Honestly, it is. I don't think that I can refute that. But the fact that I cannot refute that objection is exactly the fact which inspired me to write this. You can't fight a catchy tune! No matter what you do, some things always, or at least often, will be appealing. Lack of maturity? Perhaps. But that does not solve the situation. One might say "oh, just let your senses mature". Great. Now what? I still like screamo. I still sing along to "Memphis Will Be Laid To Waste". I recognize that there is no competition between Chopin and Showbread, but there's got to be some reason why I like it (other than the adrenaline rush). Even if it is not beautiful, can there be truth and goodness in screamo?

But, alas, I am getting ahead of myself. I agreed to answer the objections before providing my own case, and so I shall. "It's just ugly". It often is ugly, true enough. But just because one man in a song is screaming at you, does it render the song worthless? One man screaming at you... what a loaded phrase. That sums up the ugly argument rather nicely doesn't it? Screamo is often seen as so abrasive, abusive even. Alert! Ear abuse! But does that one instrument, a man's voice, seemingly malfunctioning in a screamo song, disrupt and destroy the entire song? Is the musical, instrumental talent shown in one song negated by screaming? And this question can be put to metalcore, post-hardcore or any of the other bizillion genres piling up under the broad style of rock. But the word "screamo" is loaded too. The word makes you shudder. Screamo. Brrrh. What makes it so enticing?

I confess, I often listen to this when I'm filled with angst. That perhaps is one of the problems. Tonight, Dr. David John Seel, Jr., in his lecture at my school, St. Andrew's Academy, noted that our pop-culture's delight in angry metal and rap music makes us wallow in our angst rather than confront it. We need to attack our anger and drive it from our minds, rather than let it abide.

So, after all these objections, I ask again: is there any merit to screamo? It's hard to think of any, isn't it? At one end, one could say that it is a useful tool for portraying emotion, but that would seem to contradict Dr. Seel's remark. On the other end, we could disregard it completely and tell ourselves to just never listen to it, and perhaps we'd be better off. Please remember that I'm am writing about the problem of screamo on a personal, not cultural scale. Thus, avoiding it and yet living in our culture might be hard.

What about something slightly in between? What if we agreed that screamo does in fact portray emotion. Simple concession. I would argue to take it one step farther than that. I would argue that it is the music of the human mind. Ever since the fall, we have been cursed with naturally bad dispositions. We don't tend to act like happy little elves. We don't (or at least most of us don't) frolic down the streets with wide grins, singing merrily just because it's a Monday. Screamo probably more accurately portrays how we feel most of the time. It's human. Now, that's based on the fall. Now we have the joy of Christ. Can the joy of Christ be portrayed in angry screamo music? (I must note that it is incorrect of me to recognize all screamo as being really angry, "So Selfish It's Funny" by Showbread is, oddly enough, quite funny.) But, given an average angry screamo or metalcore song, I would say that no, it cannot portray the love of Christ. Why? I don't know, maybe because Christ didn't scream salvation at us? Yes, he screamed at the merchants in the temple, and yes, he probably screams at us when we don't listen to him, but do we want to eternally dwell in that relationship with Christ? I don't.

What is the final word? I'm terrible at final words. Remember the post on feminism? Yeah? Lack-of-final-word syndrome! But I shall try to be decisive on this shaky subject. Should we always listen to screamo? No. Listen to Tchaikovsky. It's much better for you. Should you ever listen to screamo again? Probably not. Going to a screamo concert in some big, open area that doesn't give you claustrophobia and where you can just kinda of sit back and hang out or go out and be crazy (which isn't my cup of tea) probably wouldn't hurt. The trick, as Dr. Seel would say, would to not let screamo control you. Don't dwell on screamo. Dwell on the joy of Christ, which can be portrayed elsewhere. Yes, screamo can remind us that we aren't happy-go-lucky anti-humans who no longer have to deal with emotions or trials or tribulations, but that's about it.


munkybrat said...

First of all, Joe, stop apologising. It gets annoying.
I think that you are right in that screamo allows us to wallow in anger etc etc. So perhaps you are correct that we really ought not to listen to it.
You mentioned maturity. I think that in order to listen to screamo, you have to be mature. You have to realise it will help feed your anger and will likely push you toward something dramatic that you didnt want to do because it fuels your feelings of injustice or whatever. But when you realise this, i think it could be a good thing to listen to. Because it really does sort of depict our human nature since the fall. It shows us who we are deep down, and how different God's perfect will is from the desparation of what alot of screamo is. I think it could be helpful to listen to screamo to put even more into perspective who we are and how lowly and base we are because of sins effect on our nature, and with that picture we can compare Christ's grace and understand even more how great his sacrifice was.
Myself, I really like screamo, and i find it soothing when im in a bad mood. But im not quite sure I'm wallowing in it. There was a time when i would wallow, and that wallowing was detremental to my spiritual and mental health, but now that i can think of these things and come from my little screamo session completely cheerful and feeling loads better. In a way, I think Screamo brings glory to shows us what we would be without him.

Serena said...
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Andy said...

I don't like screamo :)

Anonymous said...

Yeah but whether you like screamo or not isn't the point... it's whether or not screamo is edifying. You're probably better off not liking it though. :)

I just chose screamo because the word "screamo" emphasizes the type of music discussed here. The same concept holds true to metalcore, post-hardcore, death metal, etc.

Brea said...

Screamo is the music of humanity, I do agree on that, but as my nature is apt to do, I have to disagree, or make a further point...all music is music of humanity. We rise, we fall, we rejoice, we are god-like at times, we are animal-like at times...etc, etc. Some music edifies better parts of our humanity and leads to perfection, while other music does not.

But on a further note, not related to screamo, but related to music, some music, like Dr. Seel (sp?) pointed out, doesnt mesh with the lyrics. Singing about Christ with angst doesnt work, maybe if your talking about the crucifiction, ok I cant spell it, I know, sad, but even thats stretching things.

I cant think of anything else, so ittekimasu (I'm going)....

Pilgrim said...

I'm not convinced that you're convinced that screamo has any benefit at all. Perhaps you should allow yourself five minutes (what's that, two songs?) a week when you can curl up in your corner and stroke your CD player, saying "my precious" before you let Smeagol come out to play.

Anonymous said...

Honestly, after writing this post, I'm not convinced either. I think that writing this served as a learning experience... in trying to defend what I love, I came to find my love undefendable.

Serena said...
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Serena said...

Since my blog got a comment or two, I am off boycott, ergo I comment. First off, "music of humanity" is a pathos laden phrase that is meaningless and useless. What do you mean by it? Well you can mean whatever you darn well please. By this measure, pornography is the photography of humanity because some people enjoy it. This is absolutely ridiculous: if you're going to use an emotional phrase at least make it say something.

I would like to suggest you like screamo because it it titillating. The agreeable sensation here is feeling sorry for one's self. Most people experience a paradoxical pleasure from feeling self-righteously awful and screamo - actually most rock music - feeds this (speaking as a recovered rock addict myself).

Music of humanity? maybe. Edifying? probably not. To leave you with a final word from the scriptures:

Proverbs 22:24-25
Make no friendship with an angry man, and with a furious man do not go, lest you learn his ways and set a snare for your soul.

I think that applies to the arts as well.

Anonymous said...

Your Majesty, I have already described what I meant by saying "Screamo: Music of Humanity". I didn't intend it to be particularly "pathos laden", just descriptive. Screamo is the music of man since the fall, it is the music of human nature. Like I said, we don't go skipping around simply because it's a Monday (I sure as hades didn't today).

Again, there's probably no merit to screamo, but I still like it. And I want to know if that counts for anything. Even if it's not beautiful, can it be good and true? I'd like to think that it's more than just titillation, but the purpose of this post was to gather feedback as to whether or not this is possible. I suppose you've given your most decided opinion, haven't you? :)

Pilgrim said...

"I think that writing this served as a learning experience... in trying to defend what I love, I came to find my love undefendable."

Not only quotable, but noble of you.

Serena said...

Joe is so noble that it disgusts me.... that is to say, I am put to shame. I am incapable of this sort of humility... which is to say that I have yet to rise to that level..... :D I take my hat off to you.

"My most decided opinion" stems from a love I once had for the stuff. I said "titillation" because that is what I experienced and that's generally what see in other people. From the way I see it right now, you are right that art has room for the darkness of the human soul - even monday mornings - but in good art there is always hope and redemption. I don't see any other either in most hard rock.

I don't think goodness and truth exists separately from beauty. The presence of one necessitates the others or the end product is impoverished. Besides, anger and the darkness of man's soul is not Truth. It is true in the sense that it is real, but it isn't True - it isn't part of the nature of God. If you want a healthy look at despair and darkness, go read a Dostoevsky novel. And goodness? What is good? can we substitute edifying? If so I don't see anything 'good' about screamo.

Having said all this, a McDonald's hamburger (using Dr. Seel's analogy) is not harmful once and a while. But it isn't enjoyable like gourmet and isn't strong and healthy like homemade either, so I don't see why you would want it. But then that is my taste.

The Creator