Wednesday, May 18, 2005

"Its been a while..."

Why does that song always pop into my head when I'm on here? I don't know. Perhaps it is the fact that I take so long to post. Thus, singing "Its been a while" is rather fitting. It has been a while. On that happy note, I just want ya'll to know that I'll be a couple more weeks. Stuff is crazy now, so I don't really have the time to write a quality post. I do, however, want to reccommend a blog.

I get to see him everyday (since he is the teacher for a couple of my classes) and he's a real great guy. Enjoy


Brea said...


munkybrat said...

I thought you were going to fix your blog!

Serena said...

ITS ABOUT BLOODY TIME!! No one ever posts anymore... and no one comments on my blog. *mope mope mope* lol. Your totally gonna have to take a TON of pics of england and post em all on here everyday. :D Hansie too. With funny captions. I like captions. That way I can imagine I'm there with you lucky duckies. :D You should get me a souveneer.... like.... a signature of one of the guards from buckingham palace.. or whatever that place is called.... hey, that be cool....

munkybrat said...

Hi again. Have fun with any challenge out there. I like commenting absolute random nonsense.

Anonymous said...

sorry I never got around to a "real" post... but yeah... pics will definatley go up. I fly out at noon tomorrow but I'm leaving today, so this is it. Talk to you guys on the 9th.

Brea said...

joe, you didn't post a new blog, but i'm having loads of fun on your other one. SO its all good. Although to be able to talk to yuo would be best.

munkybrat said...

Hey, you're home now,and over your jetlag, so get off your tush and POST!

(*and fix your blog*)

munkybrat said...

hi again. POST!

munkybrat said...

hey, fruitty nutty person, its his problem if we ask him to post! Not yours! Post, gi!(please?)

munkybrat said...

hey, if he would just post we would!

Anonymous said...

I have schizophrenic people posting on my blog...

The Creator