Wednesday, March 09, 2005


alright kristensdatter... nice name and good question. I was of the opinion that guys can use vulgar language when they are in the company of other (and only other) guys. When they are in the company of girls they should not use language becaues doing so is disrespectful to the girl. Perhaps that is where the gentleman part comes in? Did Mr. Darcy (don't be scared if you don't know who he is) joke around and use language with his buddies? Now another thing you mentioned (I know this because I know you hahaha...) is "what does the Bible say about it?" Honestly... I think I might have to leave this one to the muses. I regret to say that the Joe has no answers on this one. I should be sticking up another post soon so... stay tuned.


Brea said...

Joe, what did you do to your blog? Its kinda wierd. I mean I come on here and *poof* theres this wierd blog. I thought I was on the wrong one or had a tweekered computor.

Brea said...

Joe, what did you do to your blog? Its kinda wierd. I mean I come on here and *poof* theres this wierd blog. I thought I was on the wrong one or had a tweekered computor.

Brea said...

Sorry about that, my comp. really did tweek this time.

Brea said...

THis is really starting to bug me, I hate computors.

Brea said...

Ok. Lets see if it works now

Serena said...

I'm SO insulted you took off that trogdor skin that I worked for HOURS on. I think I shall go cry... But no really, its okay. And who are the muses by the way? I'm curious.

Serena said...

Ignore my question on the muses. :D You should post more often....

The Creator